Monday, April 24, 2006


Hey all!

Glad you're here.

The Nowhere Wolf's Vowel Movements has finally gone live.

For those (and that'll be most of you) who don't know the Vowel Movements, it's a daily single panel cartoon aimed at bringing a little silliness to your day.

Isn't there enough silliness on the web already? Yes and no. There's an awful lot of silliness on the web, some of which I'm pretty sure was never intended as silliness.

Some of it is really, genuinely funny -- I hope to update my links to bring you some of the better sites in the future. Some of it is rubbish -- I may also update my links to include them as well (naming and shaming is always fun, and besides you may well enjoy them). But none of it is mine :) until now.

So here's my addition to the daily fray of inane tooing-and-froing on the periphery of cyberspace.

There's of course a more serious reason to publishing this than a purely altruistic endevour to bring a smile to someone's face and that reason is cartoon syndication is tough business.

Out of 5,000 queries sent to major syndicates, only two or three get taken on. Also, the budget that newspapers have is growing smaller and smaller.

When you think that over the course of a year a newspaper may spend tens of thousands of dollars (sometimes well over $100,000) to buy their cartoons, you can see why they don't want to publish stuff that hasn't already been tried and tested or turned into a matching wall-clock and telephone.

Anyway, enjoy the Nowhere Wolf

Best Rgards

Paul Bowers


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